5 Ways To Get Your Hair Looking Fuller & Healthier *

Most of my life my hair seemed to be pretty thick and full of volume and all of a sudden back in 2013 it seemed to thin out and go flat at the roots and frizzy everywhere else. Attractive I know.  I honestly blame stress as it happened around the same time a lot of things were going on in my life and it's just never got any thicker. Than…

Most of my life my hair seemed to be pretty thick and full of volume and all of a sudden back in 2013 it seemed to thin out and go flat at the roots and frizzy everywhere else. Attractive I kno…

7 Ways To Up Your Blogging Game in 2018

I'm trying to shake up my blog a little this year and write about various different topics because I know I've been very beauty focused as of lately. I've recently seen some fellow blog…

5 Things To Do On a Rainy Day *

With January in full swing and the weather being pretty miserable (as expected) I thought this post might be helpful just to give you a few ideas of things to do instead of mindlessly scrolling …