New Releases From Essence!

Today's post is a pretty exciting one as I'm going to be writing about the majority of the latest product releases from one of my favourite brands - Essence. They have kindly sent me over some samples of the new products and I've also picked some up from Wilko recently too. There are lots of new exciting things like some gorgeous cr…

Today's post is a pretty exciting one as I'm going to be writing about the majority of the latest product releases from one of my favourite brands - Essence. They have kindly sent me over …

CrownBrush | Pro Neutral Eyeshadow Palette

A few weeks ago I received an unexpected parcel from CrownBrush and inside was the stunning Pro Neutral  Eyeshadow Palette* which I was so excited to try out as soon as I laid my eyes on it. The…

A Beauty Wishlist

I'm currently on a bit of a spending ban because I've been "treating myself" a little too much lately and I've also been buying Christmas presents so my bank account is loo…