4 Key Things To Set Up Your Own Optical Business *

-This post is in collaboration- If you are a qualified and trained optician, you may decide that it is time to go into business on your own. However, before you open up your optical business, there are a few things you need to do to ensure success. As this is a big step in your career, it is crucial to identify your target audience and estimate ho…

-This post is in collaboration- If you are a qualified and trained optician, you may decide that it is time to go into business on your own. However, before you open up your optical business, there a…

Spring Self-Care Ideas

-If a product is marked with an * then it is a PR sample. This post does not contain any sponsored content- I thought I’d do a little blog post about some ways to practise self-care this Spring. Also…

Dating Tips For Students

Dating tips for students is a bit of a difficult one, because obviously everyone’s different. Not just personality-wise but different with regard to their circumstances, too.  For example, if you’v…

6 Tips to Help You Have a Better Period *

-This post is in collaboration with Cheeky Pants- For many of us, periods are the most dreaded time of the month. Between cramps, fatigue, headaches, acne, low moods, a loss of appetite and other unc…