Perfect Pout Review

So, the first thing I want to say is I'm not into the whole fish lips look. You know what I mean, the Kylie Jenner look. It's not for me! But I wouldn't mind my lips to look a little fuller, especially my upper lip. It's not really thin but it's slightly thinner than my bottom lip and I just don't like it. I never ha…

So, the first thing I want to say is I'm not into the whole fish lips look. You know what I mean, the Kylie Jenner look. It's not for me! But I wouldn't mind my lips to look a litt…

All About Brick Vintage

So today's post is a collaboration with Brick Vintage who sell 1950's-1980's vintage clothes  and accessories for both men and women. As I have parents who have grown up th…

Collection Velvet Kiss Lip Cream Review

Today is a little review of two of the Velvet Kiss Lip Creams from Collection. I picked these up because I'd read that they are dupes to the NYX soft matte lip creams which I love.  There&#…