5 New Beauty Launches I'm Loving

There has been so many great releases from brands over the past month or so and I thought I would ~try~ and get it down to just five things I've really been loving and I'm not going to lie, it was hard, but I've finally managed to do it. So I thought I'd share with you my top 5 new-ish beauty releases which I've been enjoyin…

There has been so many great releases from brands over the past month or so and I thought I would ~try~ and get it down to just five things I've really been loving and I'm not going to lie…

A Homeware Wishlist

I'm currently trying to revamp my bedroom a little because I get bored of how it looks very easily and just want a change. But with my current back problems, it's been hard to actually get…

My Thoughts On Going Self Employed *

I've technically been self-employed through my blog since May last year because that's when I secured my first sponsored post. I began to earn money in dribs and drabs and then late last …

LOLA Makeup by Perse

I love trying out new beauty brands and finding something new, LOLA makeup are pretty new to the beauty scene and create professional and cruelty-free products. Their packaging is nice and sleek l…

Some Makeup Bits I'm Currently Loving

I'm all for healthy, dewy skin right now as my skin is majorly lacking in any type of healthy glow, it's looking very dull but has also been breaking out quite frequently too which is a pa…