Pulse Light Clinic's Fat Freezing Coolscupting Treatment *

Today's post is all about Pulse Light Clinic based in London and the Coolsculpting Treatment that they offer. Most people have stubborn fat cells in certain areas which just don't seem to want to budge even if you're exercising regulary and eating all the healthy foods. Coolsculpting is a non-surgical, safe (FDA approved) fat freezin…

Today's post is all about Pulse Light Clinic based in London and the Coolsculpting Treatment that they offer. Most people have stubborn fat cells in certain areas which just don't seem to w…

Latest In Beauty | Date Night Box

I used to be such a huge fan of beauty boxes but late last year I decided to opt out of the ones I was signed up to because I found that a lot of the products I was receiving each month were…

5 New Beauty Launches I'm Loving

There has been so many great releases from brands over the past month or so and I thought I would ~try~ and get it down to just five things I've really been loving and I'm not going to lie…

A Homeware Wishlist

I'm currently trying to revamp my bedroom a little because I get bored of how it looks very easily and just want a change. But with my current back problems, it's been hard to actually get…

My Thoughts On Going Self Employed *

I've technically been self-employed through my blog since May last year because that's when I secured my first sponsored post. I began to earn money in dribs and drabs and then late last …