Human Resource Strategies for Diversity and Inclusion *

-This post is in collaboration with Merit HR- When it comes to an office setting, each individual is different from their background and the perspective they bring to the table. Diversity and inclusion impact the workplace. These are necessary characteristics to help in the collaboration aspect of the office. Here are some human resource strategie…

-This post is in collaboration with Merit HR- When it comes to an office setting, each individual is different from their background and the perspective they bring to the table. Diversity and inclusi…

How to Find Juice Bars in Santa Monica *

-This post is in collaboration with Main Squeeze- You may have moved recently to Santa Monica and you want to find where there are juice bars. They have a lot of healthy choices compared to other opt…

Tips to Become an Urgent Care Doctor *

-This post is in collaboration with aptelemedicine- You may have dreams of becoming a doctor, but you want to work in an urgent care division. Maybe you're a new nurse and what to have an intense…

Benefits of Using Wooden Utensils *

-This post is in collaboration with The Muntu- When it comes to your kitchen, quality is king. Sure, you can use plastic but wooden is much better to use over time. You'll get the most out of you…

Tips to Pick a Personal Trainer *

-This post is in collaboration with COR- Whether you're trying to keep fit for your overall wellness or preparing for a sports match, it's good to have a personal trainer in your corner to he…