How To Increase Your DA Score

I haven't done a blog post about blogging for a while and I thought I'd do a post about ways that I've found have helped to increase my DA score. My DA score is always around 22-25 and my aim is to keep it above 20 at all times because I know a lot of sponsored blog post opportunities want sites with a DA score of 20 minimum. Also the higher your DA score is the higher you can charge for your content usually. If you're unsure of your DA score then you can look it up on Moz's Link Explorer (it's free to sign up). 
My DA score did dip at the beginning of the year because I wasn't keeping on top of it and was slacking when it came to utilising my blog. However, after getting back on top of it I've now managed to get my DA score up to 25 which is the highest it's been in probably around a year.

Return blog comments 
First up is to remember to return any blog comments you receive. Obviously, it's nice to return comments in general but it can also help with your DA score too.

Link older posts in your new posts
This is something that I've been making sure to do in most of my blog posts over the past 6 months and it has definitely helped. I tend to link back to posts that either have ranking keywords (which I can see on Moz) or fairly recent blog posts.

Do guest posts/quotes often
People seem to think that doing a free guest post is a big no-no but if they're not asking for a ridiculous amount of words and time then it might be a good idea to say yes to the odd guest post here and there because linkbacks are always helpful, especially if you're trying to grow your DA score past 20 so you've got a better chance at getting paid opps! I've also been looking out for #bloggerswanted or #prrequests that are looking for quotes about certain subjects in return for a link back to your website. I've taken part in ones about trying CBD for the first time, gift ideas for people with chronic pain/disabilities, homeware quotes and more.

Rename photos before uploading onto your blog
Something else that I've only recently started doing is making sure I rename my photos before uploading them onto my blog. Not only does this make life a bit easier when I'm searching for a certain set of photos, but I'm pretty sure it's helped me to increase my DA score. It's probably because if someone is googling a certain product review then there's a higher chance that my blog or photo will pop up. I tend to keep it simple so for instance for my review of the new Clear Skies Cleansing Powder from Tropic I renamed the photo as "Tropic Clear Skies Cleanser Review - 1".

Remove broken links
Removing broken links is such a tedious job, it's probably one of the most tedious things that you have to deal with when you're a blogger (apart from waiting for invoices to be paid lol!) and there are mixed views on whether removing broken links often actually helps your DA score. I do remove broken links probably a couples times a year but I think keeping on top of the other things I've talked about in this post helps your DA score more than removing broken links from my own personal experience. If you use Blogger you can click here to use the broken link checker that I use.

I hope you've found this post helpful! I'm definitely going to be writing more posts like this soon. If you liked this post then you may also be interested in reading about How To Bag a Sponsored Post or 7 Steps To Help Increase Your Blog Traffic.

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