Trying CBD Patches For The First Time... Are They As Effective As CBD Oil?

-If a product is marked with an * then it was PR/Gifted to me. This post contains no sponsored content-
In today's post I'm talking about CBD again but in a whole different form to what I'm used to using. Over the past couple of weeks, I've been testing out Budslife CBD Patches*. Each of their patches contains 16.7mg of CBD and 0.001 mg THC and slowly release CBD into your bloodstream for up to 8-10 hours. Here's more about how I got on with using them...

The patch and application process kind of reminds me of a nicotine patch or a BeYou Period patch so it's super easy to use, it's kind of just like applying a plaster. You have to make sure that the area where you're applying the patch is clean and dry before application. I usually just apply them on my upper arm so it's out of the way and discreet. I do think you're probably best wearing a t-shirt/top etc that's got either no sleeves or loose sleeves just in case it rubs against the patch. I did notice on a few occasions when I was wearing a more fitted t-shirt that the patch had a couple of wrinkles or had peeled off very slightly on one side. However, I still feel like it worked the same throughout the day. Also, I just want to mention that the box doesn't actually come with instructions with how-to/where to place the patch which I think would've been useful.

The patches are transdermal which means the CBD gets delivered straight through your skin cells. Cannabinoids are lipids which are also found in the skin cells, so this means that the CBD can easily and safely make its way into the skin cells and then into the blood vessels.

With the patches being scent-free, flavourless and convenient to use, it means they're ideal for someone who doesn't like or is worried about the taste of CBD but still wants to use CBD. 

I do think that they work and have helped with both my anxiety and chronic pain, but I feel like for me personally, they worked more for my anxiety. I also think they're useful if I'm having a bad time with my GERD/Gastritis which also affects my stomach because sometimes taking CBD oil can actually make my GERD/Gastritis worse if I'm having a bad day with it and my meds aren't being helpful. I would buy these again as kind of a back-up solution if and when I need them but I still like to use CBD oil just because I feel like it works quicker (which is obviously a must when I'm having a bad time with my chronic pain). If you are interested in trying CBD patches yourself then you visit Budslife here.

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